
How to make a micro greenhouse

Warning Box Example

Warning: Always use caution when undertaking any construction project, wear protective gear and be safe when using power tools

Why build a micro greenhouse?

Greenhouses provide many benefits from extending your crop’s lifecycle, to protecting them from pests and animals. Building your own micro greenhouse is an excellent learning experience for those interested in gardening or sustainable living practices. It offers the opportunity to customize the greenhouse to fit specific needs and space constraints. Moreover, constructing a micro greenhouse can be a cost-effective alternative to purchasing a pre-built one. Using readily available materials and basic tools, you can create the perfect growing environment for your plants.

Image Grid Example
Image 1 Image 2 Image 3 Image 4

View designs here: LINK


  • Wood (2 by 2s or 2 by 4s)
  • Screws
  • 4 x Hinges
  • 1 x Door latch
  • Staples
  • Plastic sheeting
  • Cardboard (optional)


  • Power Saw (Chop saw is preferable)
  • Stapler or staple gun
  • Measuring tape
  • Protractor
  • Drill or screwdriver
  • Hammer
  • Pencil


  1. Plan your design. The link above will take you to a few example designs you are free to use for personal use. You can draw inspiration from our designs, or come up with your own! Think about where you want to put the greenhouse and how much space you will need. Find the angles you will need to cut in the wood given the side lengths. Here is a useful online trig calculator. Everyone will have different needs for exact dimensions because of space constraints. We found the simplest and most effective design was a top-loading greenhouse with a shed roof (Top left and bottom right images), while the greenhouse with pentagonal sides was harder to calculate the angles for. The main angle you have to calulate for the former is the height difference between the top-back, where the hinges connect, and the front.

  2. Collect Necessary materials and tools in a clean and safe workspace, preferably in a shed, garage, or somewhere well ventilated. The wood for this project can be aquired from old shipping pallettes which are often free to take at some hardware stores. The flat deckboards on the pallette make a great floor for the greenhouse as can be seen in the images above. These are a couple greenhouses we produced when undertaking this project.

  3. Cut and measure the wood to size, making sure to measure and mark the angles needed. Cardboard can be useful for drafting. First, draw the angles and lengths on cardboard to see if it fits properly, then go ahead and cut the wood to size. The main pieces you will need are.

  • The floor
  • 4 corner beams
  • 4 floor joists
  • roof (rectangular) -> 4 sides
  1. Connect the pieces individually using screws. Do not use nails for this as the corner connections will end up bending and twisting. It is okay to use nails only for attaching the floor boards to the floor joists. The order you choose to put these pieces together depend on your design. Thinking of each wall as a panel can help with this. Once you make the front and back panels, you can connect them to eachother with two side pieces, then set the floor inside on the bottom.

  2. Attach the plastic sheeting to the outside of the greenhouse with the stapler. If you can find a way to wrap the plastic all the way around the greenhouse in one go, then do so. If not, cut a square for each “panel”, making sure you leave enough room on the edges for stapling. Remember, you can always trim some plastic from the edges later. If you want to make it extra insulated, make two layers, one on the inside and one on the outside. This will act as a double wall trapping more heat.

  3. Attach hinges to the door. If you are following the shed-roof example, make sure the barrel of the hinges is on the outside of the greenhouse. It isn’t fun to realize you have put the hinges on the wrong way when you go to open the door.

  4. Attach optional handle and latch for secure opening and closing. This will also keep the wind from blowing it open.

  5. Place your potted plants inside! You are all done, now sit back and watch those tomatoes grow until late October!

Solar power - Three levels of grid independence

Understanding Solar Panels: Harnessing the Sun’s Energy

Solar panels work by converting sunlight into electricity. This process, known as photovoltaic (PV) conversion, involves solar cells made from semiconductor materials, typically silicon. When sunlight hits these cells, it knocks electrons loose, creating a flow of electricity. This clean and renewable source of energy is becoming increasingly popular due to its environmental benefits and cost savings over time.

Why Purchase Solar Panels?

Investing in solar panels is a step towards sustainable living. They significantly reduce carbon footprint by replacing or supplementing traditional energy sources. In the long run, despite the initial investment, solar panels are cost-effective due to reduced electricity bills and potential government incentives. They are also a resilient power source, particularly valuable in areas with frequent power outages.

Portable Solar Power Banks: A Convenient Solution

Portable solar panel

One practical and increasingly popular application of solar technology is the portable solar power bank. These devices are particularly appealing for their convenience, portability, and versatility.

What is a Portable Solar Power Bank?

A portable solar power bank is a compact device equipped with solar panels and a storage battery. It harnesses sunlight, converts it into electrical energy, and stores it in the battery for later use. You can use this stored energy to charge electronic devices like smartphones, tablets, and cameras, making it an ideal companion for outdoor activities, travel, or emergency situations.

Benefits of a Portable Solar Power Bank

  • Eco-Friendly: Utilizes renewable energy, reducing reliance on fossil fuels and minimizing your carbon footprint.
  • Convenience: Allows for charging devices on the go, especially in areas without access to electrical outlets.
  • Emergency Readiness: Essential in power outages or disaster situations, providing a reliable power source for critical communication devices.
  • Cost-Effective: Over time, it reduces the need for electricity from the grid, saving money on energy bills.
  • Low Maintenance: Requires minimal upkeep, with no moving parts and resistance to wear and tear.

Choosing the Right Solar Power Bank

When selecting a solar power bank, consider the following factors:

  • Capacity: Measured in milliampere-hours (mAh), it determines how much charge the bank can store.
  • Portability: Size and weight are crucial for ease of carrying.
  • Durability: Look for sturdy construction, especially if you plan to use it outdoors.
  • Charging Time: Understand how long it takes to charge the power bank itself.
  • Output: Ensure it provides enough power to charge your specific devices.

Usage Tips

  • Maximize Sun Exposure: Place the power bank in direct sunlight for efficient charging.
  • Regular Charging: To maintain battery health, regularly charge the power bank, even when not in use.
  • Device Compatibility: Check if your devices are compatible with the power bank’s output.

Portable solar power banks are a testament to the versatility and practicality of solar technology in our daily lives. By integrating such eco-friendly solutions, we not only contribute to environmental sustainability but also embrace a more resilient and independent way of living. Always remember to consult with a professional, like an electrician, when considering larger-scale solar installations.

Solar Generator System: Perfect for long trips or power outages

What is a solar generator system?

Portable solar panel Portable solar panel"

A solar generator system consists of a portable solar panel and a power station (large battery). Companies such as Bluetti, EcoFlow, and Jackery are known for making good quality power stations. Some power stations can output up to 3600Wh. This is enough to power a modern appliances such as refrigerators and electric grills. This amount of power could be very useful when travelling (e.g. RV-ing) or in a power outage situation. The addition of a solar panel drastically increases the usability of this product, as it allows you to be fully untethered from the grid. Depending on the size of the solar panel, it could take anywhere from a few hours to a few days to fully charge the battery.


  • Higher Power Capacity: Power stations can output up to 3600Wh, significantly more than handheld batteries, enabling them to power larger appliances and devices for extended periods.
  • Renewable Energy Source: Solar panels provide a sustainable and eco-friendly way to generate electricity, reducing reliance on the electrical grid.
  • Increased Independence: The capability to recharge via solar energy allows for greater autonomy, especially valuable during travel or in power outage situations.
  • Extended Usability: Solar panels extend the system’s usability by enabling off-grid charging, offering flexibility in various environments.
  • Versatility and Mobility: These systems are designed for outdoor activities, emergency preparedness, and remote applications, providing a versatile and mobile power solution.
  • Cost-Effective Over Time: Despite the upfront investment, solar generator systems can save money on electricity and reduce the need for disposable batteries.
  • Environmentally Friendly: Utilizing solar energy contributes to a reduced carbon footprint and less dependence on fossil fuels.


  • Initial Cost: The upfront cost of a high-quality solar generator system can be significantly higher than that of simple handheld batteries or smaller power banks.
  • Size and Weight: Solar generator systems, especially those with high power capacities, are generally bulkier and heavier than handheld batteries, which can limit their portability.
  • Dependence on Weather: The efficiency of solar charging is highly dependent on sunlight availability, making it less reliable in cloudy or rainy conditions.
  • Longer Charging Times: Charging a power station solely via solar panels can take several hours to a few days, depending on the panel size and sunlight intensity, which might not be ideal for quick turnarounds.
  • Complexity: Setting up and optimizing a solar generator system for efficient use can require more knowledge and effort compared to the simplicity of using handheld batteries.
  • Maintenance and Durability: While maintenance is generally low, solar panels and power stations do require some maintenance (such as cleaning), and their exposure to poor outdoor conditions can affect longevity.

Considering these pros and cons can help in determining whether a solar generator system is the right choice for your specific needs and circumstances.

Home Solar System:

Portable solar panel

Why get a home solar installation?

Home solar systems have the advantage of being low maintenance and significantly reducing your power bill. Programs such as efficiency Nova Scotia, provincial and federal rebates can make a home solar installation more than pay for iteself over the course of the panels’ lifetime. Most solar installations have a lifetime of about 20 years (depending on manufacturer).

Another consideration is the increase in property value that comes with solar installations. Homes equipped with solar energy systems often sell at a premium, reflecting the future savings on electricity bills. This can make solar installations an attractive investment for homeowners looking to improve their property’s marketability.

Given the likely future increase in energy prices, home solar installations may be a very good investment in the long-run.


  • Reduced Power Bills: Solar installations significantly cut down on electricity expenses, offering long-term savings.
  • Low Maintenance: Once installed, solar systems require minimal upkeep, mainly involving occasional cleaning and inspections.
  • Financial Incentives: Rebate programs at both provincial and federal levels can substantially offset the initial cost.
  • Increased Property Value: Homes with solar energy systems can sell at a higher value, reflecting the desirability of reduced utility costs.
  • Environmental Impact: Solar energy is clean, renewable, and reduces your energy consumption
  • Energy Independence: Reduces reliance on the grid, offering protection against rising energy prices and supply disruptions.
  • Longevity: With lifespans averaging around 20 years, solar panels are a long-term investment.


  • Upfront Cost: Despite rebates, the initial expense for solar panel installation can be significant.
  • Space Requirements: Effective solar installations require sufficient, properly oriented roof space, which may not be available in all homes.
  • Aesthetic Concerns: Some homeowners may find the appearance of solar panels unattractive or not in keeping with their property’s aesthetic.
  • Weather Dependent: Solar energy generation is contingent on sunlight; cloudy days and long nights can reduce efficiency.
  • Installation Complexity: The process can be complex, involving permits, inspections, and potentially upgrading the home’s electrical system.
  • Variable Savings: Savings can vary based on location, energy costs, and system size. It may take several years to break even on the initial investment.
  • Technology Advances: Rapid advancements in solar technology might make existing installations less efficient compared to newer options over time.

Considering these pros and cons can help homeowners make an informed decision about whether a solar energy system is right for their home, lifestyle, and financial situation. As the technology evolves and more incentives become available, the benefits are increasingly outweighing the drawbacks for many.

How to reduce your environmental impact (Student edition)

Sustainable Living: Benefits for the Planet and Your Pocket

As university students, making choices that are both economically and environmentally sound is increasingly important. Here’s a closer look at how adopting certain practices can help you contribute to a greener planet while also being kind to your wallet.

Public Transport: Antigonish Public Transport

Antigonish Public Transport not only cuts down on individual carbon emissions but also reduces traffic congestion and the need for extensive parking spaces. Public transport uses significantly less fuel per passenger compared to private vehicles, thus reducing greenhouse gases and pollution.

Farmer’s Market: Antigonish Farmer’s Market

The Antigonish Farmer’s Market offers locally grown produce, which means the food travels shorter distances to reach you, significantly reducing transportation emissions. Moreover, local markets often promote organic farming, which is better for soil health and biodiversity.

Bike More or Get an Electric Bike

Cycling or using an electric bike reduces reliance on fossil fuels. These transportation methods emit no pollutants, helping to improve air quality and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. They also reduce noise pollution and traffic congestion.

Install LED Bulbs in Your Light Fixtures

LED bulbs are not only energy-efficient but also have a longer lifespan, which means less waste in landfills. They reduce the demand for electricity, much of which is still generated from fossil fuels, thereby decreasing overall carbon emissions.

Use a Clothesline Instead of a Dryer

Air-drying clothes saves a significant amount of energy. Dryers are among the most energy-intensive appliances in homes. By using a clothesline, you reduce energy consumption and also the emissions associated with electricity production.

Cook More at Home

Home cooking means less packaging waste and a smaller carbon footprint, as takeout often involves single-use plastics and additional transportation. Cooking at home allows for more sustainable food choices like local and organic produce.

Wash Clothes in Cold Water

Approximately 90% of the energy used by washing machines goes into heating water. Cold water washes are effective for most clothing types and can significantly reduce your household’s energy consumption and carbon footprint.

Buy Used Furniture

Purchasing used furniture reduces the demand for new resources and the environmental impact of manufacturing new items. It also helps in cutting down waste, as many discarded furniture pieces are still in good condition.For great deals in Antigonish, check out the local Facebook Marketplace.

Buy Used Electronics

Buying used electronics conserves the limited resources like lithium used in batteries and reduces the environmental impact of manufacturing new devices. Plus, many used electronics are in excellent condition, offering the same functionality at a lower cost.

Embracing these sustainable practices can make a significant difference in environmental conservation. As students, we have the power to drive change through our everyday choices. Let’s make decisions that are beneficial for both our planet and our pockets.

Budget Emergency Kit - Essential Items for Preparedness

If you would like to learn more, please click here

This image is in the Public Domain

Emergencies can strike at any moment, leaving little time for preparation. That’s why having a budget emergency kit is crucial for every household. This blog post outlines the necessary and additional items you should include in your kit, explaining the importance of each.

Necessary Items

  1. Multitool: A multitool is an essential item in any emergency kit. It combines several tools in one, including knives, pliers, and screwdrivers, making it useful for a variety of tasks from repairing computers to opening cans

  2. Non-perishable Food: Items like canned soup and granola bars provide nutrition and energy during emergencies. They have a long shelf life, ensuring they’re ready when you need them.

  3. Bottled Water: Water is vital for survival. Bottled water is easy to transport and can be stored for extended periods.

  4. Lighter: A lighter is essential for starting a fire, whether for warmth or cooking. It’s more reliable than matches and can be used in various weather conditions.

  5. First Aid Kit: Injuries are more likely during emergencies. A first aid kit allows for immediate response to minor injuries, preventing them from becoming severe.

  6. Simple Radio: A battery-operated or hand-crank radio keeps you informed with news and updates, which is crucial when power and internet are out.

  7. Important Identification: Keeping copies of important documents like IDs, passports, and insurance papers can be lifesaving in emergencies, especially when evacuation is necessary.

  8. Cash (Small Bills): In situations where electronic transactions aren’t possible, having cash on hand is essential for purchasing necessary items.

  9. Backup Battery Bank: Keeps your mobile devices charged when there’s no power, ensuring you stay connected with loved ones and emergency services.

  10. Personal Hygiene Items: Including sanitary products, toothbrush, toothpaste, and wet wipes.

  11. Extra Clothing: Useful in the case your clothes get wet or dirty

All of these could fit in a backpack for easy transportation if the need arises

Additional Items

While the above items cover most of the basics, here are a few more suggestions to consider:

  • Multipurpose Radio: Upgraded from the simple radio, a multipurpose model might include features like a flashlight, solar charger, usb battery backup, shortwave and weather bands etc.

  • Solar Power Bank: A solar power bank can charge devices using sunlight, making it useful during prolonged power outages.

  • Lifestraw/Aquatabs: These water purification tools make it safer to drink from nearly any water source, which is crucial if your bottled water runs out. Lifestraws can filter water from contaminated water while aquatabs disinfect water directly. We recommend if you decide to use these that they be used in conjunction by first disinfecting water with the aquatabs, then using the lifestraw.

  • Emergency Blanket: Compact and lightweight, an emergency blanket can retain body heat in cold weather and can also be used for signaling.

  • Folding Saw: Handy for cutting wood for fires or clearing paths if you need to evacuate.

  • Tarp: A tarp can be used for shelter, ground cover, for covering broken windows, or as a rain catch.

  • Duct Tape: Its wide range of uses includes repairing, sealing, and medical applications

  • Encrypted Backup of important files: This one is slightly more advanced, an SD card with photocopies of a passport, driver’s license, passwords, financial info, etc could be a lifesaver if other copies were to become lost or damaged. The only problem being, what happens if it becomes lost (or someone takes it)? We recommend you use a tool such as Veracrypt for securing your important files. Veracrpyt is free and open source (just like this site!) meaning everyone is can audit and verify the code. Follow the instructions on the website linked above to learn more

  • Whistle: A whistle can be used to signal for help, especially if you are unable to shout.

  • Gloves: Protects your hands during tasks like clearing debris or handling hot items.

  • Portable Stove: Allows for cooking and boiling water when other heat sources are unavailable.

  • Paper Map and Compass: Useful for navigation if GPS or electronic devices fail.

  • Flashlight and Extra Batteries: For visibility in power outages; headlamps free up your hands.

  • Insect Repellent and Sunscreen: Protects against the elements and insect-borne diseases.

By assembling a comprehensive emergency kit, you can ensure your and your family’s safety in most unforeseen circumstances. Remember, it’s better to be prepared and not need it than to need it and not be prepared.

Water Filtration Guide A DIY Approach

This comprehensive guide provides step-by-step instructions to create an effective water filtration system using simple materials. Ideal for emergency situations, it emphasizes the importance of clean water and the role of DIY solutions in achieving it.

This article has been verified

Creating a DIY water filtration system using easily available materials like plastic buckets, sand, and charcoal can be a lifesaver in emergency situations. This guide provides detailed instructions for making a water filtration system from scratch, emphasizing its educational purpose and the need for caution in selecting water sources and adhering to boil-water notices.


For this DIY water filtration system, you’ll need:

  • Two 5-Gallon Plastic Buckets with lids - Purchase here
  • Sand (both coarse and fine)
  • Activated Charcoal
  • Gravel or Pebbles (small, cleaned)
  • Cloth (cotton or cheesecloth for layer separation)
  • Water source (tap, well, river, etc.)


The necessary tools include:


Follow these steps to build your water filtration system:

Step 1: Gather Materials and Tools

Ensure you have all materials and tools ready for a smooth and efficient process.

Step 2: Prepare the Buckets

  1. Clean the buckets with soap and warm water. Dry thoroughly.
  2. Check for and repair any damage.
  3. Sterilize filtration media (pebbles, sand) using methods like boiling, baking, or UV light exposure.

Step 3: Drill Holes in Buckets

  1. Secure a bucket upside down on a stable surface.
  2. Use a drill with a suitable bit for plastic, applying steady pressure to create holes at the bottom.

Step 4: Add Filter Media

Consider water source, contaminants present, and properties of filter media like porosity and flow rate. If the layers are too compacted there will not be enough flow so we want to ensure adequate aeration in the media.

Layers should be added in this order:

top of bucket (open)
Coarse sand
Fine Sand
Activated charcoal
Empty receiving container

DIY Activated Charcoal Tutorial: Watch here

DIY Water Filtration System

Conclusion and Summary

In summary, building a DIY water filtration system is a practical and educational exercise, particularly valuable in emergency situations. The process involves gathering essential materials and tools, preparing plastic buckets, drilling holes for water passage, and strategically layering filter media like pebbles, sand, and activated charcoal.

This guide has outlined the crucial steps to construct a basic yet effective water filtration system. It highlights the importance of clean water and the empowerment DIY methods offer in ensuring access to it, especially when conventional resources are not available. Remember, this system is intended for emergency or educational use and should not replace standardized water purification methods. Always be cautious with the water source and adhere to safety guidelines.

Creating your own water filtration system is not only a useful skill but also a step towards understanding the complexities of water purification and the importance of sustainable living practices.

Template Post

This is a template post to get you started, all the basic markdown syntax is included in this page. To make a new post simply use the syntax in this template and make a pull request on github. A short lead description about this content page. Text here can also be bold or italic and can even be split over multiple paragraphs.

Text can be bold, italic, or strikethrough. Links should be blue with no underlines (unless hovered over).

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There should be no margin above this first sentence.

Blockquotes should be a lighter gray with a border along the left side in the secondary color.

There should be no margin below this final sentence.

First Header

This is a normal paragraph following a header. Bacon ipsum dolor sit amet t-bone doner shank drumstick, pork belly porchetta chuck sausage brisket ham hock rump pig. Chuck kielbasa leberkas, pork bresaola ham hock filet mignon cow shoulder short ribs biltong. Bacon ipsum dolor sit amet t-bone doner shank drumstick, pork belly porchetta chuck sausage brisket ham hock rump pig. Chuck kielbasa leberkas, pork bresaola ham hock filet mignon cow shoulder short ribs biltong. Bacon ipsum dolor sit amet t-bone doner shank drumstick, pork belly porchetta chuck sausage brisket ham hock rump pig. Chuck kielbasa leberkas, pork bresaola ham hock filet mignon cow shoulder short ribs biltong.

Bacon ipsum dolor sit amet t-bone doner shank drumstick, pork belly porchetta chuck sausage brisket ham hock rump pig. Chuck kielbasa leberkas, pork bresaola ham hock filet mignon cow shoulder short ribs biltong.

On big screens, paragraphs and headings should not take up the full container width, but we want tables, code blocks and similar to take the full width.

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Meae optatos passa est Epiros utiliter Talibus niveis, hoc lata, edidit. Dixi ad aestum.

Header 2

This is a blockquote following a header. Bacon ipsum dolor sit amet t-bone doner shank drumstick, pork belly porchetta chuck sausage brisket ham hock rump pig. Chuck kielbasa leberkas, pork bresaola ham hock filet mignon cow shoulder short ribs biltong.

Header 3

This is a code block following a header.

Header 4

  • This is an unordered list following a header.
  • This is an unordered list following a header.
  • This is an unordered list following a header.
Header 5
  1. This is an ordered list following a header.
  2. This is an ordered list following a header.
  3. This is an ordered list following a header.
Header 6
A tableA header
A tableA header
A tableA header

There’s a horizontal rule above and below this.

Here is an unordered list:

  • Salt-n-Pepa
  • Bel Biv DeVoe
  • Kid ‘N Play

And an ordered list:

  1. Michael Jackson
  2. Michael Bolton
  3. Michael Bublé

And an unordered task list:

  • Create a sample markdown document
  • Add task lists to it
  • Take a vacation

And a “mixed” task list:

  • Steal underpants
  • ?
  • Profit!

And a nested list:

  • Jackson 5
    • Michael
    • Tito
    • Jackie
    • Marlon
    • Jermaine
  • TMNT
    • Leonardo
    • Michelangelo
    • Donatello
    • Raphael

Definition lists can be used with Markdown syntax. Definition terms are bold.


Tables should have bold headings and alternating shaded rows.

Michael JacksonThriller1982
PrincePurple Rain1984
Beastie BoysLicense to Ill1986

If a table is too wide, it should scroll horizontally.

Michael JacksonThriller1982Epic RecordsGrammy Award for Album of the Year, American Music Award for Favorite Pop/Rock Album, American Music Award for Favorite Soul/R&B Album, Brit Award for Best Selling Album, Grammy Award for Best Engineered Album, Non-ClassicalWanna Be Startin’ Somethin’, Baby Be Mine, The Girl Is Mine, Thriller, Beat It, Billie Jean, Human Nature, P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing), The Lady in My Life
PrincePurple Rain1984Warner Brothers RecordsGrammy Award for Best Score Soundtrack for Visual Media, American Music Award for Favorite Pop/Rock Album, American Music Award for Favorite Soul/R&B Album, Brit Award for Best Soundtrack/Cast Recording, Grammy Award for Best Rock Performance by a Duo or Group with VocalLet’s Go Crazy, Take Me With U, The Beautiful Ones, Computer Blue, Darling Nikki, When Doves Cry, I Would Die 4 U, Baby I’m a Star, Purple Rain
Beastie BoysLicense to Ill1986Mercury RecordsnoawardsbutthistablecelliswideRhymin & Stealin, The New Style, She’s Crafty, Posse in Effect, Slow Ride, Girls, (You Gotta) Fight for Your Right, No Sleep Till Brooklyn, Paul Revere, Hold It Now, Hit It, Brass Monkey, Slow and Low, Time to Get Ill

Code snippets like var foo = "bar"; can be shown inline.

Also, this should vertically align with this and this.

Code can also be shown in a block element.

foo := "bar";
bar := "foo";

Code can also use syntax highlighting.

func main() {
  input := `var foo = "bar";`

  lexer := lexers.Get("javascript")
  iterator, _ := lexer.Tokenise(nil, input)
  style := styles.Get("github")
  formatter := html.New(html.WithLineNumbers())

  var buff bytes.Buffer
  formatter.Format(&buff, style, iterator)

Long, single-line code blocks should not wrap. They should horizontally scroll if they are too long. This line should be long enough to demonstrate this.

Inline code inside table cells should still be distinguishable.

Javascriptvar foo = "bar";
Rubyfoo = "bar"{

Small images should be shown at their actual size.

Large images should always scale down and fit in the content container.




Add some sections here to see how the ToC looks like. Bacon ipsum dolor sit amet t-bone doner shank drumstick, pork belly porchetta chuck sausage brisket ham hock rump pig. Chuck kielbasa leberkas, pork bresaola ham hock filet mignon cow shoulder short ribs biltong.

Parameters available

Bacon ipsum dolor sit amet t-bone doner shank drumstick, pork belly porchetta chuck sausage brisket ham hock rump pig. Chuck kielbasa leberkas, pork bresaola ham hock filet mignon cow shoulder short ribs biltong.

Using pixels

Bacon ipsum dolor sit amet t-bone doner shank drumstick, pork belly porchetta chuck sausage brisket ham hock rump pig. Chuck kielbasa leberkas, pork bresaola ham hock filet mignon cow shoulder short ribs biltong.

Using rem

Bacon ipsum dolor sit amet t-bone doner shank drumstick, pork belly porchetta chuck sausage brisket ham hock rump pig. Chuck kielbasa leberkas, pork bresaola ham hock filet mignon cow shoulder short ribs biltong.


Bacon ipsum dolor sit amet t-bone doner shank drumstick, pork belly porchetta chuck sausage brisket ham hock rump pig. Chuck kielbasa leberkas, pork bresaola ham hock filet mignon cow shoulder short ribs biltong.

RAM to use

Bacon ipsum dolor sit amet t-bone doner shank drumstick, pork belly porchetta chuck sausage brisket ham hock rump pig. Chuck kielbasa leberkas, pork bresaola ham hock filet mignon cow shoulder short ribs biltong.

More is better

Bacon ipsum dolor sit amet t-bone doner shank drumstick, pork belly porchetta chuck sausage brisket ham hock rump pig. Chuck kielbasa leberkas, pork bresaola ham hock filet mignon cow shoulder short ribs biltong.

Used RAM

Bacon ipsum dolor sit amet t-bone doner shank drumstick, pork belly porchetta chuck sausage brisket ham hock rump pig. Chuck kielbasa leberkas, pork bresaola ham hock filet mignon cow shoulder short ribs biltong.

This is the final element on the page and there should be no margin below this.


First Release

ecoScotia Beta 1.0

This is our first release of ecoScotia. Details can be found here